C Code for a sample Electronic Voting Machine

A Electronic voting machine is basically a digital machine that accepts votes and display the result.IN this blog we are gonna know about how to design a model of simple electronic machine in C.

I have provided all the details below . for further details and how the output works see the youtube video I made.

EVM Code:

The project is divided into few parts

1.The program first asks to enter the information of the participants participating in the election and a symbol(only special characters) for each of them.
Restriction: Any two people taking the two symbol should not be permitted,an error message should be displayed.

2.Entering the voter id present in the csv file click here for sample csv file .

sample CSV:

Restriction:A person should vote only once ,if the voted voter id is entered error symbol is displayed.

3.casting the vote- The voter will be allowed to vote a candidate by choosing the symbol.
 Restriction:If wrong symbol is entered error message will be displayed.

4.Displaying option such as
  • results
  • difference
  • finish voting
  • exit the poll
5.Once the 4th option is entered that is to exit the poll.The candidates information like name,symbol and final number of votes are displayed. And the special thing is that one file for each participant will be displayed containing his details..

by babashankarsn@gmail.com(baba shankar)


  1. Hello,
    I want to know that how to add voters details in the same as you have done the same like 33549,77458 something like that pls reply,I want to learn this interesting machine as soon as possible.

    1. Here is the link for the files you can change the details in the csv fire provided in the link. Keep the all the files of the project in the same folder.
      link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rtd-dBCjSLNxZ5o-DEeeYebeNAtHE_WI?usp=sharing
      for further asisstance conntact : riseprogramming.contact@gmail.com


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