A robots.txt is a file which tells search engine crawlers which page or file can or can’t request from your site.

How to see robots.txt file of your site?
Any sites robots.txt can be viewed by searching in google by typing   your site’s URL/robots.txt  .
For example for my blog it is https://riseprogramming.blogspot.com/robots.txt.
The default robots.txt which was present first when you created your site will appear.(which will alter if you change it).

User-agent: *

Sitemap: https://riseprogramming.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml

Above is the example for a robots.txt file.
How to write your robots.txt file?
1.The first thing is to write the User-agent:   ,better to mention the user-agent as *
User-agent: *

2.The next thing is Disallow:

This prevents the search engines to avoid being crawled to particular page or file of your website.
What to mention beside  Disallow: ? is the text which is present after your URL of the page or post. Not understood? Let me explain it by a example…
Consider if one of your posts URL is https://abc.com/wxy . The thing to mention after  Disallow: is /wxy.
  • ·        If you type  Disallow:/ ,Nothing from your search engine can be crawled by the search engines.
  • ·        Disallow:/search prevents search engines from crawling into your website when it is searched in Google.

It is better to mention nothing beside Disallow: so that entire information of your website can be crawled by the search engines.

3.The next thing is Allow: which is the opposite of Disallow ,It’s ok if you don’t mention it so that it will be neglected and everything in your website will be available.

4.The last thing is to give your site’s sitemap  Sitemap:.your sites sitemap will be
your sites URL/sitemap.xml.

How to change Your robots.txt?

If your hosting site is blogger simply go to
 settings >search preferences>robots.txt .
Click enable and paste the below code if all of your information must be crawled .

User-agent: *

Sitemap: your site’s URL/sitemap.xml.

Careful!! Wrongly written robots.txt may prevent your site from appearing in the google search which may eventually reduce your traffic…

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