If your blog wants more traffic and gets Adsense approval the layout is more important next to the content. The layout must be user friendly and should have a decent interface.

Your layout must be both desktop and mobile friendly. In desktop view the images and content of the posts will be mostly horizontal and in mobile view the content will shift to vertical. One of the most important requirements for your blog is that you must have a good navigation to the pages.

In desktop view the horizontal navbar is preferable as the screen will be more wider and in the mobile view dropdown navbar (menu bar) is preferable. If you write a code for an horizontal navbar it will be nice in desktop view but in mobile view it does not gets compatible with the screen size and it may look wider so dropdown menu is more conventional.

While writing the HTML and CSS code you must write a separate code for devices having lesser resolution. Below is the code for navbar which appears horizontal in desktop view and changes to dropdown in mobile view.

In the above code just replace ‘#’ the link which you want to navigate and you can also change the names of the contents in navbar.

Change the resolution of the screen or view it in mobile, the navbar will be coverted into dropdown.

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