Hello guys I am back with the new article.
Everyone has a
desire to start their own blog and make money from it and share their skills on
the blog.
Are you hoping to make a new
blog? so here are the things which you should avoid while starting your
new blog.
Come on let's begin.
1. Don’t over stress on customizing the theme.
Blogger provides you with the quite decent themes. They are user friendly and have a good interface. The thing is don't over customize the theme. All the changes you have to do is that just you need to add some social media follow buttons and some sharing buttons. The navigation is also important in it you should create a user friendly navigation bar for both the PC and mobile. Navigation bar blogger provides is slightly not mobile friendly. If you need to add dropdown-submenu it's quite an issue. so the navigation must be both mobile and PC friendly. So these are the only two things you need to customize in the theme, else all are good.I spent 5 days in customizing it didn't work and switched to one of the decent blogger themes and made the above mentioned changes.
2. Don’t copy content from other websites.
When you first start your new blog ,you will be in a urge to fill your blog with some articles and you will simply fill your blog with contents copied from other websites. If you do so the traffic for your blog will decrease gradually and moreover you won't get approval for the Adsense. So keep in mind, always write your own content to not copy it from other websites. I personally did that .I copied some contents named hackers news from other websites and deleted those articles.
3.Don't add mages from other websites.
Your content becomes more attractive if you add images for them. So you need to place some images in your article, you will simply Google the images and paste in articles if you are not aware. Keep in mind that the images may have some copyright issues. There are many websites which provide you free images like pexels.com and pixabay.com and many others. Use only such websites.
4.Don't post links that conatains link
to download movies.
You can only watch
movies in some paid platforms such as Amazon Netflix and hotstar . There
are many illegal websites which post the movies. Don't try to promote
them I don't put the link for downloading the movies. If you do so you
won't get the approval for AdSense and there are chances of getting your
blog rejected.
5. Don't post adult content on your blog .
Don't ever think of
posting any adult contents. There are 99% chances that you are blocked get
6. Try not to edit the HTML of the theme
without any backup.
In the theme section
you can edit the HTML of your theme .There are some chances you make some
mistakes in the HTML and your blogger theme may get corrupted.
Download the theme and later restore it if you find any mistakes in the HTML of
your theme.
7. Don't try to add an extra
CSS for your theme without knowing about it.
If you add an HTML and
JavaScript to get it in the blogger to make it look attractive you need
to add CSS in the CSS section of the theme. Don't add any CSS without knowing
the attributes in CSS. If the class type of the CSS matches with any other
class of different widget in the theme the whole team gets changed and it may
look ugly.
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