Ever wondered how the huge companies such as google, facebook, instagram able to maintain the records of user's information 

I am back with a new article. In this article we are going to to discuss about SQL. 

The first question is what is SQL?

Basically, SQL(Structured Query Language) is a standard computer language for relational database
management  and data manipulation.

Basically SQL serves as a tool that is to interact with a relational database. 

What's so special about a sequel(SQL also pronounced as)?

The commands in SQL are very simple to use and they are simple to use.

I said that SQL language which is used in to interact with a relational database. Wonder, what is a database?
 Database is a container which contains data stored in order  in the form of tables. 

Most of them think and believe that since python  is a latest programming language and more demand for the jobs on python which I also thought same but believe me more demand is for SQL. Here are the statistics .

Who uses SQL?

  • Backend Developer
  • QA Engineer
  • Database Admin
  • Data Analyst
  • System Admin
  • Data Architect
  • ETL Developer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Data Scientist
Here are the 2 people who are important, The Data Administrator and the Data Scientist.

Who is a Data Administrator?

  • A Data Administrator is a person who has all the right to access the database.
  • He gives access to database to the users.
  • He manages the tables in the database.
  • Uses SQL to query and retrieve data.

Who is a Data Scientist?

  • A Data Scientist is an user of  Data base i.e  the end user.
  • He only uses SQL to query and retrieve data.
Being a data scientist you can earn a huge some of money. There are also many freelancing jobs who are ready to offer $30/hr for an hour.

One can use SQl to interact with the database but where you gonna write the code ? You cannot simply write the code somewhere and try to implement on the database you necessarily need a software right?
Here comes the Database Management System(DBMS).

What is a DBMS?

A picture of words symbolizing database - Royalty-free Data Stock Photo

It is a  software designed to store,retrieve,update the data in a database.

Here are some Database Management Systems

1. SQL Server
2. IBM DB2 Oracle
3. Sybase ASE
4. PostgreSQL
5. MySQL
6. Microsoft SQL server
7. SQLite

wanna know the commands in SQL?
stay tuned for the upcoming articles to know the SQL commands.

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