Hello readers hope all are doing well and safe . I hope my information is reaching you and it's being helpful. Explore all the contents in our blog and we need your support.

when you are creating an "About us" page in your blog or create a business website you should certainly have a profile card in it. 

The Profile card makes easy way to know about you and contact you through many means.

 A Profile card must contain firstly the name the image of the person followed by his name in large text. The next thing is the card must contain the designation of the person. It must also contain a quite small introduction about you.

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 To contact you it must contain your gmail id . Gmail is not only the only online platform to contact you so it must contain various social media buttons. I have created the profile card containing all this features .

In case the blog contains more than one other 2 profile cards must be there. Placing them side by side would be more preferable. So starting the HTML must be done with doing the cards and placing them side by side like columns. The next step is uploading image with <img> tag and making it's width 100%. 

Below the image the person's name his name must be there to make his name big I have used the <h1> tag followed by his designation with usual text using <p> tag. I have made the text of the designation quite faded setting the opacity to 0.7.

Next the card contains a short description about the person using <p> tag and written his gmail. I have added various social media buttons to contact them. I have set the icon background to black and text in it to white . To make it more attractive i have added the hover effect that means on hovering over the icons their color will change to their official icon colors.

Lastly I have included a contact button and made that button such that on clicking the button it will redirect to your mail id and you could mail the person. 

HTML file:


CSS File:


In the above code just add the image URL in the <img> tag and your profile URL's in the social media buttons. Replace 'yourmailid' with the mail id you want That's it you are done.

I hope this was helpful.

Thanks for Reading.

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