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I had previously written an article based on Introduction to SQL and ER diagram in SQL. In this present article we are gonna learn about nested select commands.

SELECT command is a command in mysql which is used to retrieve data from a table based on a condition. It comes with a syntax :

For example in the below table named 'shoe' you are given a query to select a brand where price is less than 2000.

Shoeid Brand Price
463947 Puma 8999
639575 Sparx 1999
732832 adidas 1499
102837 Puma 2983
987282 adidas 4999
929833 Fila 1499

The code will be :




now consider another table 'size chart' given below:

Shoe id Brand size
463947 Puma 8
639575 Sparx 8
732832 adidas 9
102837 Puma 8
987282 adidas 9
929833 Fila 10

For example  in the above table you are asked to select brand which has shoe size 8 the code will be:



Now you are asked to solve a query using both the table in this case you will need to use the nested select statements to solve sub queries.

Now let us take the query as:
retrieve Shoeid, Brand and Price from table shoe where Shoeid has the size 8.
In this query we have to retrieve the columns present in table 'shoe' based on the column 'size' present in 'size chart'.
Looking complex? Come on let's try this out!!


Shoe id Brand price
463947 Puma 1999
639575 Sparx 1499
102837 Puma 2983
Other query:
Retrieve shoe's Brand and size where shoe's brand's prize is greater than 2000. Try this out.

Note : You use '=' symbol to check for integers like price=100. If you want to check for strings don't use '=' just use in ('string') example: Brand in ('puma').

I hope this article was useful and please be visiting our blog.

Thanks for reading.

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